Do You Wake Up at the Same Time Every Night?

Do you find yourself waking up at the same time every night? Waking up between 3 AM – 5 AM could be an ascension symptom but if you find yourself waking up constantly around the same time each night, it could be because your body is trying to send you a message.
According to the ancient Chinese Medicine Body Clock, energy runs through a different meridian of your body at different times of day.

These meridians are like channels which send energy to different organs in order to promote health and vitality.

When there is a blockage in these channels however, energy cannot pass through causing stagnation or a build up of energy. This can then disturb your sleep and wake you up.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine if you wake up consistently at the same time, it could indicate a sign of weakness in the corresponding meridian or organ.

Here is a list of the organs associated with different times:

Between 9pm-11pm
This is the time when most of us try to fall asleep. If you have a hard time sleeping between this time it could be that your body is too stressed and is subconsciously in fight or flight mode
You may also find that your fearful or anxious thoughts become louder and make you feel either threatened or unsafe in some way.

This is the time of day when energy is also sent to replenish your immune system, so if you are feeling ill you may experience stronger symptoms at this time.

If you find yourself having trouble sleeping at this time, try reciting positive mantras that make you feel safe and protected.

You may also benefit from meditating or adopting a night time ritual to help calm your mind.

Between 11pm-1am 
The meridian that services your gall bladder is activated during these hours.

Blocked energy in this meridian could indicate that you are being too judgmental with yourself or with others.

If you have been disappointed by a loved one you may also feel triggered at this time.

On a physical level, the gall bladder helps the break down of fats so it could also be that you need to adjust your fat intake or eat healthier oils.

In order to relax yourself at this time, try practicing acceptance and forgiveness and being less judgemental towards your self and others.
Between 1 AM – 3 AM
This is one of the more common times to be woken up as this is when the meridian servicing the liver is strongest.

The liver is responsible for so many bodily functions including hormonal balance, digestion and the clearance of toxins and stress. So waking during this time could indicate that one of these areas is stressed or weak.

Blockages in the liver meridian can also indicate anger, anxiety, guilt and rage. In fact, feelings of unresolved anger and resentment could manifest at this time.

If you find this to be true, try to take ownership of the situation and reflect on the truth of how you really feel. It may also help to practice self-loving affirmations and positive self-talk.

Waking up during this time may also indicate that your body has too much yang energy, so try balancing it with more yin energy by eating cooling foods and connecting with your emotions.

Between 3 AM – 5 AM
This is when the meridian that services the lungs is strongest. Of course, we are always breathing but during these hours the lungs are given a boost of energy and are replenished for the day ahead.

In order to breathe the body has to be relaxed, so waking up during this time could indicate a blockage or inability to go with the flow and relax into the direction that life is taking you.

The lungs also symbolise where we process grief and sadness, so if you have been feeling emotional you may also wake around this time.

In order to ease any emotional feelings at this time, try to release control over events and have more faith and trust in the flow of the Universe. You may also benefit from taking deep, conscious breaths.

Between 5 AM – 7 AM
This is when the meridian that flows into the large intestine is activated and symbolises a need to let go and release control.

The large intestine is responsible for clearing the body of toxic waste from our digestive system, so waking up during this time could indicate a weakness in this area.

You may also wake at this time if you are feeling emotionally blocked or restricted in your life in some way. It may also be a sign that you need to release and let go of guilt or burdening emotions.

If you find yourself waking during this time, you may benefit from practicing mantras that promote letting go, relaxing and trusting in divine timing.  You may also benefit from stretching or cleansing your body.

The Chinese Medicine Body Clock offers a great insight into the messages of your body however, also use your intuition to determine if there may be another message that is trying to be delivered to you.

Author: Tanaaz Chubb – Awakening People

7 Ways to Revitalize Your Passion for Life in Turbulent Times

IN BRIEF: The difference between maintaining your zeal for life and heartbreaking disillusionment during turbulent times ultimately begins with you and where you are placing your focus. Here are seven proactive life responses for the most common reasons why you might feel your passion for life slipping away.

Thanks to social media, you’ve survived the “me” generation. “Me” exploded into “we” and a socially conscious generation was born. What was once considered personal fulfillment has changed for the better.

Undoubtedly, your hopes and dreams are different than they once were. Change is occurring at such speeds, you might not be sure of what to wish for except for a global group hug.

“Despite what the evening news would have you believe, your prospects for a higher quality of life are opening wide as we consciously merge mind, body, and spirit — including science.”

A new science is emerging linking happiness to our well-being. According to the “World Happiness Report 2017,” published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), the United States ranks 14th in the world.

The difference between maintaining your zeal for life and heartbreaking disillusionment during turbulent times ultimately begins with you and where you are placing your focus.

What is the common thread of personal well-being, or even the ever-elusive personal fulfillment?

Here are seven proactive life responses for the most common reasons why you might feel your passion for life slipping away.

Celebrate failure. Feeling cynical or defeated, or that your hard work is not paying off? When there is a disappointment in life, seeing everything as an opportunity will keep you invigorated and challenged in a good way. The ability to adapt and learn is vital to living the good life. The path to success is shared with the path of failure. Celebrate every step of the journey.

Make a living or live brilliantly? Making a living becomes complicated when you wish to live like someone else. Materialism and title are fake substitutes for real affluence — the ability to inspire people. Make a list of what you admire and begin to make changes in your life to reflect your values.

Simplify, minimize, and let go of clutter. The economy provides us with the sustenance of life, but when it becomes the goal, you work like a machine mortgaging your life, losing your passion for living. Investigate new markets that allow you greater life flexibility through stewardship rather than ownership.

Rediscover your inner child through exploration of your inner world. Innovation and automation have provided us with more free time than we’ve ever had. Instead of TV, smartphones, information, and shopping, regain a sense of wonder by looking at every day as another opportunity to explore and learn about your inner world. Focus and your natural state of happiness are cultivated through meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

Be a beacon of light despite a chaotic world. Living the good life is being peaceful even when those around you are stirring the pot. When others engage in negativity, don’t get sucked in. Consider ending support of violent media content. Become response-able for you and your corner of the world. Seek common ground with those you come into contact with by supporting needed change.

Reconnect with nature. Do you ever walk your neighbourhood and ask where all the people are? When was the last time you roamed a nature trail? Technology is nice, but it’s not nicer than a sense of community and all the wisdom and health benefits hidden in nature’s vastness. If you’ve forgotten this, stop what you’re doing right now. Come back in 30 minutes and report your findings.

Include service to others in your weekly schedule. Self-love and self-care are certainly important, but keeping a healthy balance between ego and selflessness is the heart of personal fulfillment. In a synergetic world, personal fulfillment and social responsibility are intimately connected. Try volunteering just eight hours a month to discover what you would grumble about at minimum wage. It is a gift — the most exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling gift you could ever give — the gift of you!

Your passion for life can never be taken away from you — unless you take away your focus. Focus is the key to the mastery of life as an ongoing practice.

“Finding balance between economic, social, and environmental objectives is key to personal and community well-being and happiness.”

Let go of the non-essentials.

Keep your focus on your internal compass help you maintain external balance.

Merging mind, body, and spirit, you become joyful, the gratitude flowing just for being alive.

Embrace life from every angle and finally begin to thrive!

Putting your heart into everything you do, your passion for life becoming voracious — this is your brilliant future here, now.

You were made for this. You can do it!

Author: Christine Horner – Collective Evolution

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