Love is the Answer
It takes great courage of the heart to embark deep within oneself. It can be very confronting. We may feel pain, or regret, or that we were “wrong” in the way we perceive our respective reality, but we must remember that our perspective is not “wrong” – it is a unique manifestation of consciousness itself. And as we raise ourselves to a higher place of Love, we must show ourselves compassion and release ourselves from the emotions and experiences that are no longer on the same vibrational frequency as we are.
It is in our human nature to want to be right, for the ego to assert itself and keep going rather than looking within in order to make a change. Change is usually uncomfortable because it means something new when we are programmed (usually by fear) to long for something safe and/or familiar. In order to change our vibration to a higher energy it is also necessary to put ego aside and allow the change to occur, especially if it means changing your perspective from something based in “fear” to something based in Love and Universal understanding.
The gift of self-exploration is necessary in order to gain emotional intelligence for ourselves, the collective, and our planet — so we can begin to take a (1)Quantum Leap together. We cannot consider ourselves intelligent beings if we continue to live in denial of our inner emotions, to live in disharmony and discontent, and perpetuate emotional and physical states of poverty, inequality, war, and oppression.
This journey is not something that one can step around. In order to create a miracle, it is necessary that we all go through this shift in our energetic being together and integrate the higher vibration of Love (God) into our physical reality. Call it “The Event” if you will. And it is possible. Whether by small jump or Quantum Leap, we are collectively on the path back “home”; to creating our own personal brand of Heaven, manifested individually and then collectively, thereby bringing it into our physical form. It is up to us as individuals to decide the scope of our miracles, our leaps of faith.
When we greet everyday as a miracle, we give ourselves the gift of spiritual consciousness. We resonate at a higher vibration, and align ourselves to the energy of our Mother Earth. And it is a gift meant for everyone, as our energy resonates collectively. By giving this gift to our self, we give a gift to the collective of Humanity, the Earth, and our Universe. As we increasingly give and receive the divine gift of Love, we will experience a Quantum Leap… we will manifest a miracle!
In our Universe, everything is possible. We are our only limitation!
It’s up to you. Please say “Yes!” to Love.
(1) Quantum Leap – for definition check our previous article “The science of Miracles”
Author: Jennifer Deisher