Grassroots Revolution Towards a Holistic and Creative Educational System

“Reform is not enough anymore. Because that’s simply improving a broken model. What we need, and the word’s been used many times in the course of the past few days, is not evolution, but a revolution in education. This has to be transformed into something else.” – Sir Ken Robinson

Mr. Robinson spoke these words in his popular 20-minute TedTalk entitled, “Bring On The Learning Revolution”, which is embedded below. This is one of the best lectures on a topic that so desperately needs addressed in our world and I recommend it to anyone.

The current educational system, which stresses compartmentalization and standardized testing, is limiting the inherent abilities we all possess. It’s as if the educational system is simply set up in a way that directs us only to memorize and regurgitate rather than question, express, connect, and create. We are taught to fall in line and adhere to “The Matrix” rather than being our unique, authentic selves.

Though we could go deep down the rabbit hole showing the financial corruption involved at all levels of the world’s educational system, we’ll instead focus on solutions.

The learner-centered education, or mastery model, which is the way Maria Montessori’s schools have been designed, has been at the center of this revolution in education for quite some time. The base of this model is the belief that the children must be in control of their own learning and that the happiness level of the student is reflective on how effective the education is for him or her.

The adult teacher shapes the environment in a way that encourages questioning, curiosity, mastery of skills, expression and creativity. Sounds about the opposite of what most traditional schooling systems create, doesn’t it?

In fact, looking back across hundreds and probably thousands of years, we see that the way we are hard-wired to learn is very different from a traditional school setting. Think about it. Prior to these systems of today, we learned through observation, hands on application, apprenticing, cooperative learning based in groups and pairs. The atmosphere of the learning environment was also completely different. In today’s model, fear is often at the base of learning. The fear of failing on a standardized test so one can receive a “good grade” is prevalent everywhere. One doesn’t have to be a social psychologist to understand that true learning and mastery is very difficult when a person is in a state of fear and stress.

However, when the environment is not competitive but rather cooperative, an environment where there isn’t the fear of failure, the person can thrive and gain the mastery of multiple skills.

Grassroots Revolution Towards a Holistic and Creative Educational System - insert

In fact, Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences , which is based on solid and unbiased psychological research, says that each person has at least eight different domains of potential intelligences, each of which can be mastered over time using multiple skill sets.

Howard Gardner said of this holistic learning model, “The idea of multiple intelligences comes out of psychology. It’s a theory that was developed to document the fact that human beings have very different kinds of intellectual strengths and that these strengths are very, very important in how kids learn and how people represent things in their minds, and then how people use them in order to show what it is they’ve understood.”

The Creative Grassroots Revolution, which like all truth-based revolutions, cannot be stopped. Keep questioning, keep proposing holistic solutions, keep in the state of curiosity and wonder.

As Albert Einstein said, ” The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity.”

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Author: Lance Schuttler – Wake Up World

What Science Is Telling Us About The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

The wonderful and brilliant scientists over at the Institute of HeartMath have done some amazing work in shedding light on some very significant findings regarding the science of the heart.

The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. HeartMath tools, technology and training teach people to rely on the intelligence of their hearts in concert with their minds at home, school, work and play.

A large portion of their research has investigated heart and brain interaction. Researchers at the institute have examined how the heart and brain communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness and the way in which we perceive our world.

Their research has shed light on a number of facts, one for example, is when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, that the heart beats out a very different message. They’ve been able to determine this by the fact that the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, and they can gather data from it.

“Emotional information is actually coded and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.” – Rolin McCratey , Ph.D, Director of Research at the Institute.

This is very important work, as again, it shows how the heart plays an important role far beyond what is commonly known. Did you know that your heart emits electromagnetic fields that change according to your emotions? Did you know that the human heart has a magnetic field that can be measured up to several feet away from the human body?  Did you know that positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body? Did you know that you can boost your immune system by conjuring up positive emotions? Did you know that negative emotions can create a nervous system chaos, and that positive emotions do the complete opposite?  Did you know that the heart has a system of neurons that have both short term and long term memory, and that their signals sent to the brain can affect our emotional experiences? Did you know that in fetal development, the heart forms and starts beating before the brain is developed?  Did you know that a mother’s brainwaves can synchronize to her baby’s heartbeats? Did you know that the heart sends more information to the brain than vice versa?

All of these facts, published researched papers and more can be accessed at

This Is Why It’s Important For The Human Race To Change The Way We Feel Inside

The Institute of HeartMath does a wonderful job in furthering the importance of why it’s critical for many of us to change the way we feel inside. Not much can be accomplished from a place of sadness, angst, sorrow and depression. Our current human experience, the everyday life we all seem to participate in does indeed take its toll on many. A lot of people are feeling that living the lifestyles we do, struggling to pay bills, constantly working and more is not a natural type of existence for the human race. It’s an experience which makes it hard to maintain a “high frequency” or positive state for some. What makes it even more perplexing is the fact that it doesn’t have to be this way, we are capable of so much more.

At the same time, we have a large number of people struggling to feed, clothe and shelter themselves. The Earth is being destroyed and our time to turn things around seems to be limited. This hard reality is still present on Earth, despite the number of solutions that have been identified which could alleviate these problems. It can be difficult to maintain a positive state of mind when we see so many things on our planet that need to change, but we cannot change what we would like to change unless we do it from a positive peaceful state.

Despite all of these experiences, many people experiencing them do manage to find inner peace and moments of joy regardless of their experience, which is quite remarkable. It’s all about perspective, seeing the bigger picture and changing the way you look at things.

Happiness is no doubt an inside job, but with a human experience that is not resonating with many it can be hard to maintain. This is evident in a variety of different areas where people are starting to stand up and demand change. More and more people are wanting to change this entire human experience on multiple levels, one where everybody can thrive, one where everybody can feel good, one where nobody has to suffer or feel negative emotions. If one is suffering, we all suffer, that’s the way we feel here at CE and it’s clear that many are resonating with that feeling.

The funny thing about our feelings is that, for the most part it’s a choice. We can change the way we feel just by changing our thoughts. Negative emotions about a person, place or certain experience in our lives or the planet are usually a result of the thoughts we have about them. At the end of the day, in the grander scheme of things it’s just a human experience, and all experiences are serving us proving opportunities for growth.

Bottom line, positive emotions, feelings of love, gratitude, compassion and more have a larger impact than what we could have ever imagined. These are all characteristics of consciousness, and as quantum physics is showing us, consciousness plays some sort of role in the creation of our reality. If this is true, how we feel certainly plays a large part, and with the research coming out at the Institute of HeartMath, it’s clear that feeling good and positive emotions (gratitude, love compassion) play a very important role when it comes to the nature of our reality and could be the fundamental key for global change.

A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual” –   (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University)

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Author: Arjun Walia / Collective Evolution


Instinctive Choices – An Exploration of Intelligence, Consciousness and Mind

What Is and What Is Not.

What is Intelligence, the mysterious expression of all that exists. What is the Prime Directive, the Action arm of Intelligence that is the overseer responsible for the harmonious functioning of Nature. What is pristine consciousness, the medium through which life expresses itself.

Stealing Lives.

How societies are contributing to humanity’s downfall.

A natural law says a like thing cannot see itself. Mind is not capable of understanding that all its beliefs, including that of being a permanent, independent, autonomous entity that is capable of generating its own thoughts, are delusional. Mind can doubt many things, it cannot doubt the reality of its own existence. That realization comes only through the lens of the pristine consciousness. Seeing through the obscure visions of mind we cannot realize that mind is a myth.

The pristine consciousness is constantly being bombarded with false teachings and so stifling its inherent nature of Acting in relationship. Pristine consciousness doesn’t need to be told how to be, it simply needs its own space to Act.

What we believe as normal living practices is what is preventing life from expressing itself. We are ancient actors wearing the masks of past generations. That mask is mind. In all peoples, mind is expressing itself in exactly the same way. We recognize the emotions of anger, hate, jealousy, envy, fear, resentment, highs and lows of all kinds, etc. because we identify with those same emotions. This has been going on since time-immemorial. In that sense there is “nothing new under the sun”.

The survival of animals depends on the instinctive choices made in their environment.

It is a natural law that animals grow from their environment. The choices that they make through natural instinct provide for a stronger future species. So why is that human beings suffer from some of the choices that they make in their environment?

Choices are always of the mind and when acting from those choices we are behaving as the animals. The instinctive animal response is to secure and protect its environment. The response to the human environment provides only for the pristine discernments to life’s expressions. We are presently protecting the turf of mind’s choices as the animal is protecting its physical turf.

When substituting mind for pristine consciousness, both suffer. The brain suffers from physical deterioration due to its emotional outbursts and the pristine consciousness suffers bouts of depression, anxiety and other negative emotions. Suffering is not nature’s consequence but rather an error in the mechanical functioning process.

Because nature is not fragmented like mind, (where the whole is comprised of its many indoctrinated parts) Nature’s wholeness is perfect and as such can only produce that which is of its own kind. The disorder we witness in humans is not in the sum of our physical parts but rather in the mis-guided functioning of its newest part, the memory-senses complex. Mind was given as an indispensable enhancement to serve the choiceless discernments of the pristine consciousness.

Because mind cannot generate its own thoughts, it cannot have its own opinion about anything. It is chameleon like, in the sense that that it can only reflect its present environment. It is simply a uniquely marvelous recording and storing instrument. So, why does it seem at times that we are acting in an errant and erratic way?

It is not mind that is the origin of these states but rather the pristine consciousness. Our identification with mind is manipulating those defects. Mind is not directly responsible for any of the world’s ills because it is not in charge of the necessary amounts of energy needed to do any harm.

An ancient proverb says: “To train up a child in the ways he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it”.

We are still wearing these ancient masks. It may at times be expedient to train animals but never human beings. For a very long time we have gotten it wrong. It is not the parents’ duty to train their children in the ways they should experience their lives, but rather to protect them from all who are trying to indoctrinate them so that they fit in with the ways of society. The state of not knowing is their natural state.

With the exception of human beings, Nature is expressing itself as Intelligence intended. It is we, as mind, that is out of order. An imaginary non-entity, non-self is making efforts to fulfill its hopes, dreams and desires by allowing us to believe that its actions are being self-generated and not seeing that they are being generated by the stealth deceiver, mind.

What we factually are is self-evident. An awareness that has no content. An awareness that does not condemn, identify nor justify. The pristine consciousness as choice less awareness was never born, it simply is and always will be. It is part of the mystery of how life, through the pristine consciousness, expresses itself. All species partake in this awareness. It is only human beings who have the ability to be aware of their awareness while being aware. This does not mean that we are better than other species, only different.

This awareness is not wanting to unite with any ideology, it simply desires its own space to respond to life’s challenges. For this to be realized there is only one way it can happen. There are no paths and no battles to be won. By simply witnessing how mind is desiring to be first in the challenge-response process and not allowing space for the pristine consciousness to fully experience the completed challenge. By mind’s constant interruption into the challenge-response process, our replies, for the most part, are made out of confusion. Mind sees and hears only what it is familiar with and never experiences the newness of life’s challenges.

By ceaselessly being fully alert (aware) in all of life’s challenges, mind comes to a complete halt and the pristine consciousness once again is in charge of its total energy. All challenge responses are again made whole and so, complete. For the first time we see our part in identifying with mind by falsely believing that it and pristine consciousness are the same. With that apperception, mind falls into its natural rhythm of being a true and faithful servant and the pristine consciousness once again returns to being the medium through which life expresses itself.

That returning

Is my wish for you.

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Author: Harry Krueger