Ignorance is a Choice

Throughout recorded history, humankind have had very short lifespans. After the advent of agriculture, the average life expectancy shrunk to much less than 40 years. This is not a lot of time to figure out life. On top of that, with the advent of civilization, people had to toil most of the day under feudal lords. Most of them were slaves. Knowledge was scarce. Whatever knowledge was available was held by the elite. The high priests, royalty and the wealthy were the only ones with access to any knowledge. Most people were illiterate. They lived in ignorance.

At the advent of the printing press, knowledge became more available, especially in the developed countries. Libraries became common place and books became affordable. In many places around the world, people are offered a basic education for free. Our life span has nearly doubled, and knowledge exponentiated. Now most people have access to basic knowledge about atoms, quantum theory, stars and galaxies and so many things in between.

Then came the advent of the computer and the internet. Now we don’t have to wonder about things, we Google it. We live in the information age, and most knowledge is at our fingertips. Many universities have free online courses. There is no longer an excuse to be ignorant. It is a choice. Many people choose to remain ignorant. That is a misfortune.

In the ancient Puranas it is stated that a person’s situation in life is dependent upon two conditions: his energy and his intelligence. These are the main two factors that dictate a person’s life. If you don’t have sufficient intelligence, you won’t know how to properly apply your energy to accomplish things sufficiently or properly. If you don’t have sufficient intelligence, you will make many poor decisions that cause problems. I’ve seen this far too many times in my life. Common sense has become rare. There is a large percentage of Americans who are not interested in knowledge.

These are a few statistics of literacy in America:

  • 50% of U.S. adults are unable to read an 8th grade level book
  • 33% of U.S. high school graduates will never read a book after high school
  • 42% of college students will never read another book after they graduate
  • 80% of U.S. families did not buy a book this year
  • 70% of adults have not been in a book store in the past 5 years
  • American high school students today are reading books intended for children with reading levels of a 10 year old

As you can see, a large percentage of people in America choose to live in ignorance. They have no interest in exploring new topics, researching or asking questions. Could this be the fruition of public schools? They shove so much information into kids in their formative years so fast, that when they get out, they have lost their desire to learn. It’s as if they have no sense of wonder.

We are living in a society where most people have chosen to remain ignorant of so many things in their life. As the saying goes, you can spot a fool when he opens his mouth.

There is an old saying in India, “It is better to have an intelligent enemy than a foolish friend.”There is a long, intricate story about this and we see it all the time in our own lives. Foolish friends always seem to involve you in their problems; usually asking for help to fix whatever they wrecked.

The Information Age of Ignorance

So here we are in the information age, and the majority of the people choose to remain in ignorance. Then they complain about their situation. They cannot appreciate the fact that in the past, such knowledge was not even available. They have lost their sense of wonder. They are completely content to remain in ignorance.

I know people that seem incapable of even processing information. It’s as if they can’t hear what you are saying, or comprehend what they are reading. It doesn’t even register. And then there are the ones that can’t formulate simple sentences. Sometimes I wonder where I am.


I am referring to practical knowledge. Practical knowledge is necessary to navigate safely through the matrix; knowing how things work, how to repair things, grow food, cook. The arts of logic, science, the arts, philosophy, psychology, critical thinking, creativity, originality, proper discernment can all be regarded as branches of knowledge as well. All of these can be very beneficial on one’s journey. But without proper practical knowledge, it is difficult to navigate through life without causing many problems.

I am not suggesting that everyone should go to college, get a Ph.D and be recognized as a genius. On the contrary, state schools are a big part of the problem. What I am speaking of is having enough knowledge to glide through life, rather than to stumble through, causing problems and breaking things.The ability to think clearly and process information are undervalued in our society. It’s important to use common sense and logic. The ability to have coherent conversations and be observant determine whether or not you fail or thrive in a society. To have the ability to comprehend complex ideas, and to have the desire to learn new things, make life interesting and worthwhile.

Something in our world is just not right!

When I was young, I seem to remember that most people had a head on their shoulders. People were smart enough, had their wits about them, could think straight and could converse intelligibly. It’s not like that anymore. Something has happened. It’s been interesting watching the world go through such dramatic changes in the last 50 years. You would think that people would become smarter, and some people have, but it seems the masses are going in the opposite direction swiftly. I imagine the state school systems are a major cause of this; that and TV.

An ignorant populace is easy to control. They don’t ask questions, they don’t look behind the curtain. They just accept what they are told. This is what has been engineered by the controllers. People have been expertly programmed to be obedient and ignorant slaves.

This is not an easy thing to wake up to, especially when you see that you were programmed to live out a life as one of those slaves. It’s challenging when you realize that you also ignored the truth that had been within arms reach for your entire life. I am constantly reminded that I was also programmed.

So now what do you do? How do you go about waking up people that are so deeply programmed, so uninterested in waking up, ignorant of the world they are living in, ready to attack you if you try to awaken them?

Which brings me to my final point. Perhaps I’ve been wrong. Maybe most people really don’t have a choice. It’s possible that others are stuck in their default mode of ignorance, unable to free themselves or be freed. The programming that has been active to dumb down the population is so all-encompassing, that it may be impossible for many people to even choose to wake up from their ignorance. Their brain just doesn’t function normally anymore. An overabundance of TV, state schools, processed food, fluoride, vaccinations, and so many other poisons, have stunted people’s brains.

Isn’t it ironic?

We have tremendous knowledge at our fingertips, and we have been dumbed down, hypnotized, to not be interested in it. Instead we’re easily distracted by a never ending stream of trivia. There is now an abundance of knowledge, and we cannot process it properly. In the past, when knowledge was scarce, people were hungry for it. Now that it is so easily available, no one appreciates it. Yes, it is ironic isn’t it?


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Author: Greg Calise – Wake Up World

Knowledge Is Power

Why is knowledge power? How does awareness give you more free will?

When a person chooses willful ignorance over obtaining knowledge and becoming more aware of themselves and the world, they do not gain any immunity by this free will choice. Instead, they leave themselves under the rule of the “General Law” otherwise known as The Matrix.

In that level of being, you are bound by all the mechanical laws of this reality. You have no higher consciousness, therefore no higher connection, and you function from a somnambulistic, sleep-like/trance state of mind, which makes you easily manipulated and gives you no individual fate (since fate is tied to persons with a connection to something “higher”). Therefore, you share the collective “fate” of the sleep reality, because you have made no choice with your own freewill to become consciously aware.

But, when one utilizes their free will to choose awareness, they are protected on 3 fronts:

1) Application: A person who chooses to actively apply their gained knowledge to make better choices, ultimately leads to protecting themselves.

A simple illustration of this would be if someone begins to research GMOs. The understanding of this information has led them to seek out healthier quality food sources and now opened up a door to changing their entire outlook on the body and on health. This is applying your knowledge, and is the most basic form of aligning your free will with better choices, based on your knowledge.

2) Discernment: A person who chooses to become more conscious, is better able to both utilize and exercise their discernment.

Discernment is the ultimate facilitator of free will and conscious choice. It allows you the foresight to take preventive measures before even encountering troubles, and the ability to accelerate learning by contemplating and deciphering the deeper meanings in our daily events. Discernment is our compass in navigating our way through reality. The more you exercise discernment, the more free will you’re accessing because within the use of your discernment is the key to unlocking more options/pathways that once were not available.

Why were those options not available? Many reasons: we didn’t see them, the options were not present because we did not take actions that would have aligned us with those options, we did not have enough awareness at the time to choose them… many reasons. A common reason is those options were not available because we did not understand enough about the topic/the person/the world-whatever it be-to perceive all of our choices clearer. Options present themselves when we are conscious enough to recognize them. This requires discernment.

A person who has the awareness to perceive a broader spectrum of options, or rather the quality of their options, can align themselves – through choice – with actions geared toward the desired aims, bringing about the desired results. But none of these options exist to someone who does not use their free will to seek understanding of themselves and their world.

When consciousness is not present, suffering usually takes its place, and we are given the choice to become conscious by examining the relevance of our experiences and the events that acted as catalysts to our new understandings, or to cycle in our suffering. Hence the ancient wisdom “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”

3) Frequency: Your level of Being is measured in vibrational frequency. The higher your level of awareness rises, the higher your vibrational frequency rises. Then your frequency begins to guard you. With the choice to gain knowledge and awareness comes the activation of the higher spiritual realms, which we have now connected to through our vibrational frequency “synching up with” them. This resonance, or harmony between our vibrations and these higher realms, establishes a psychic connection that offers protection from negative entities and their harmful intent.

The more one wields their free will toward consciousness, the harder it becomes for negative entities to breach your realm because you are aligning vibrationally with the higher realms that provide more protection and are available to those who use their free will to evolve themselves — no longer making one simply a food source to the synthetic reality. The negative higher entities can only manipulate our ends to the extent that we are not aware. Therefore it is within our non-action – our free will choice tonot choose – that our consent for enslavement is given.

This is the cosmic fine print. The universe deals in contracts and clauses and in this free will universe, if one does not choose to observe their free will and act on it toward their sovereignty, then neither does the cosmos observe it. That is how the usurpation of our reality is allowed: Default settings (“don’t blame me, blame the self-reflecting universe”). Thus knowledge is power.

In all of this the very best news there is to take away is:

Nature favors the brave. Have heart on your quest for knowledge. Don’t lose faith in the journey if it appears purely negative. You will not be left stranded in stardust. The higher realms call out to those who wish to align with them. Trust that this reality can serve you, if you allow it to.


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Author: Sarah Elkhaldy