Awakening: The Next Step

Step 1. Wake up… Step 2. Open my eyes… Step 3… Get out of bed. Step 4…Do what needs to be done.

If we’re going to keep our eyes closed, there’s no reason to wake up. We have to take off our chosen blinders and open our eyes. Otherwise, what’s the point? We might as well keep dreaming.

As Gran put it, it’s hard to wake up someone who’s pretending to be asleep.

Waking up – awakening, moments of enlightenment, whatever you want to call it – is not about feeling good all the time, floating so high off the surface of this planet that we no longer relate to the people on it, flaunting our privilege to avoid or ignore problems. Waking up is about opening our eyes to the realities of the needs of the planet and its people. It’s about seeing the disparities around us, in all the forms they take, and it’s about taking action, right here, right now, taking our fair share of responsibility, and setting to work to right the wrongs we’re more than capable of addressing.

You know that moment, early in the morning, when you wake up, but you didn’t want to just yet – and you can hear the birds calling? You know if you open your eyes the light will penetrate and there will be no going back to sleep. I think that’s where a lot of us are right now. We’re really awake. We can hear the sounds and feel the movement around us. We know perfectly well what’s going on. But for whatever reason, we don’t want to wake up just yet. That bed feels so safe, so warm, so comforting. And out there – well, who knows what’s waiting out there. But we’re pretty sure it won’t be warm, much less comforting.

So we’re still lying there, covers pulled over our heads. Faking it. But the dog knows we’re awake. And the cat knows. And the kids peeking over the edge of the bed know. They can sense the difference in our breathing.

It serves no one to rationalize about those who are still genuinely sleeping, or to hope that the eagerly awaiting toddler will head off to the other room, where Momma or Daddy has already begun the tasks of the day. That’s not my business, nor is it yours. We know that each person is in a different place, prepared for and dealing with his or her own unique responsibility. There are those who are ready to spring into action, those already awake and fully functioning. There are those still dozing, in that state of lucid dreaming, not yet sure what is real and what isn’t. There are those who are awake, but for whatever reason, just can’t bring themselves to face reality. There’s a reason for that, one that needs some digging, and most likely needs some loving. And then there are the heavy sleepers among us, still sawing logs, still breaking themselves against the laws of sustainability and right living.

If we stay there long enough, delaying that moment, drawing out the night, clinging to an idea that no longer makes sense, no matter how comfortable the bed we’ve collectively built for ourselves may seem at the moment, alarms will start to go off. In fact, they already are. They’re shrilling in the distance, growing louder and more numerous by the moment. Alarms may feel like a must for early mornings, but they’re not a very effective way to live. They usually mean something is dreadfully wrong. Are you sure you want to take that risk? Can you afford it? What are the consequences, and are you willing to pay them? Not just down the road, but today?

As we awaken, those who have waited for sirens in their personal lives, sometimes even waited past them, oblivious to the warning call, may enter and engage with their souls’ dark night. During this vital passage, one’s energy may be compelled temporarily to focus primarily or even exclusively on what appears to be personal situations. We who are not in that position, who perhaps have already gone through our own dark nights, will know to gently allow and love each person through this time. In that moment, it will be his or her most important focus, this death-rebirth creation cycle. It is not ours to judge or to compel them to take action elsewhere, which may serve only as a distraction for them, and as a good way to not notice our own alarm bells ringing in the distance.

What about me? What choice will I make, right here, right now? My outer child may ask that age-old question: Why do I always have to be the grown-up? The answer is simple: Because I can. The burden of responsibility lies with the one who is capable. That’s the only answer I need. That’s the only answer we need. That next right step will appear directly in front of me if I’ll pay attention for it. I don’t need to think about a million miles down the road, or try to imagine how the entire scene will play out. That can lead to overwhelm and despair, and the fear of that emotion can prompt hitting the snooze button just one more time.

No. Today, all I need to do, all you need to do, is that next right step. You already know what it is. Like the poem says, start close in. Get calm, get quiet, ask yourself – and you’ll know.

So it’s up to the grown-ups now. Will we open our eyes? Will we get out of bed and do what needs to be done?

What we see may hurt, but only then can we begin to make things better. Love yourself, be gentle with yourself, but please – please – please – open your eyes. Get out of bed. It’s time to get busy.

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Author: Mary Batson – Wake up World

Light Goes On, Within You And Without You

Once we have moved past the fun and games that life presents to us, the vast majority of us will eventually embark upon a “Spiritual Quest for Fire”.

Without going through a load of esoteric motions, or suggesting that one more thing in the physical realm is going to bring us “The Answer” we are seeking, let us admit the world does not know. We do not know who and what we are, what our purpose is, and what really happens beyond this worldly experience.

And while it does have a place in the human experience, physical science still falls short of any meaningful answers to the primary questions we ask on our journey here:

Who and what are we?

What is our purpose here?

The word “suggests” is popular in science, while “faith” is the catchall for religious meaning in our lives. What we really need is an experience that is not of this world; an undeniable experience that will eclipse the mediocre offerings of a world gone mad with fear.

Ignorance is not bliss and being unaware of our Source is nothing but a formula for chaos and disaster. All we have to do is look at the state of the world to understand what our ignorance has given us – nothing that we want.

Gratitude – The Afterbirth Of Forgiveness

Gratitude is where all the real nutrients are. Forgiveness is the first major stepping stone towards the inroad of absolute truth and is a prerequisite if we ever hope to know anything and understand what is real. Forgiveness is the catalyst that reverses our perception and prepares us for the shining truth.

Although forgiveness is an illusion – for nothing in Perfect Love needs to be forgiven – we still need it in our human experience to liberate the mind from grievances, which hides the Light that shines within us and all around us.

Practicing forgiveness is not nearly as difficult as holding grudges. It has this miraculous ability to lift the weight of the world off our shoulders by dissolving unloving thoughts within our thought system. Forgiveness undoes what is not real so what is real can be remembered.

It doesn’t cost anything to work towards a Masters in Forgiveness. But the refusal to forgive is indicative of our refusal to love one another and this cost is enormous in terms of human tragedy and needless suffering.

Apologizing For Spiritual Impurities

We cannot afford to distract ourselves or be concerned with any past life travesties, mainly because all we can really deal with is the here and now. There is nothing else.

Rather than reflecting on our “sins of the past” let us focus on simply being willing to heal every situation that has resulted in conflict or unhappiness for anyone involved.

Saying “I am sorry for the incident” is another miraculous statement. This is not an admission of guilt but a desire to let all false perceptions of separation go in favor of the truth, which is that no one is separate from Source or each other. When we are willing to apologize and ask someone to “forgive us” it is a sign of respect and means that we want the other person to be happy and at peace.

People who do not forgive are suffering and fail to understand there is nothing to forgive except the unloving thoughts that deprive us of peace. The apology is simply a reminder of what waits on the other side of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a promise that the Eternal Light that is there, unseen, will reveal itself in our dealings with the injured and sick. Forgiveness is the means, and peace of mind is the result.

What else could we want but to be happy and at peace?

Gratitude For Everything Polishes The Soul

The soul, or spirit, needs no salvation and cannot be killed or injured. It can, however, be hidden behind the debris and fallout of unforgiving, unloving thoughts that are out of sight but not out of mind. These are the thoughts that need to be cleansed and polished.

Love is approached through gratitude. It means we have willingly laid our weapons down and taken a step forward in our mind to heal and be healed.

Expressing sincere gratitude in words and deeds is the promise that Love is for one and all. Gratitude is like a soft cloth that binds and heals everything within its gracious embrace.

Shining Our Light Of Love By Extending Waves Of Gratitude

There is no need to wait on the world for happiness since it is inherent in who and what we are. Sincere gratitude enables the person who extends it to fully recognize that they have accepted it first, which enables them to give it all away.

The way it works is quite simple; the reason it works is fail-proof. Through complete forgiveness, all unloving thoughts are completely undone. The forgiver experiences sincere gratitude because their thoughts instantly become unified and releases them from all conflict. Where there is no conflict there is only happiness. And this is peace.

The Light that streams and glows everywhere is real. It belongs to each of us equally – all of it. This Light connects everything and proves the separation from Love never happened.

Who and what are we? We are love.

What is our purpose here? Our purpose is to bring peace to the world by bringing peace to our own mind.

Make a commitment today to forgive the world and set it free from the effects of unloving thoughts. Only then will we be in the clear where the only possible experience left for us is peace and joy because Love is the Answer.

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Author: Carmen Allgood / Wake up World