Becoming Multidimensional – Entering the “Dreamspace”

There’s two ways of living your life: one, as if nothing is a miracle; two, as if everything is.

We’re living in two world’s not one: the old is one of systems, logic and control, which strangles the juice out of life. It’s a reality long past it’s self-by-date, essentially because it’s divorced from the flow. Then there’s another world — it’s one of mystery, miracles and magic, where everything has a deeper meaning, a deeper significance and purpose. It’s this that I call the ‘dreamspace’. In fact it’s far more real, far more fulfilling than ‘reality’.

What is this space like? How can you access it? How can you become multidimensional?

Can You Hear the Dreamspace Calling You?

In my life I work to live as spontaneously as possible. Quite frequently yes, there are agreements I’ve made with people that have to be honoured, appointments to be fulfilled. But as much as possible, I leave the moment open, to flow as one with the deeper underlying purpose.

This evening, on my way home, there was a clear pull to take a detour. I didn’t know where to, but as usual, when the dreamspace is calling more strongly, it’ll speak through signs and synchronicity. In this case, my attention was spiked to the movement of cars, number configurations on number shields, and the sudden darting movement of birds.

It led me out into the country, until there by the side of the road, on a hill overlooking an open Somerset valley, was a Kestrel hanging in the air; majestic, wings outstretched, hovering, and very much calling to me. So I honoured the invitation, pulled up just as soon as I could, and followed the guidance.

It took me to a quiet space, high on the valley side, surveying the panorama, which looked very primordial in the dimming evening light as the sun began to descend behind a distant hill. The busy road in the background faded deep into the background, as if in some distant galaxy. My soul was transcending space and time. The trees, bushes and rocks were speaking to me. Not in words of course, not even in thoughts, but with feelings, that brought me so as-one with it all.Now the dreamspace was speaking deeply.

What’s the Purpose of the Dreamspace?

The dreamspace is the space between the spaces. Each and every moment has a deeper purpose, a deeper message, which seldom people hear within society because their minds are too full, they have too many necessary objectives (supposedly), their consciousness is too distracted by the endless gadgetry. It divorces people from the real juice of life.

You have to empty the mind, still the distraction, drop into the heart space, and feel through the senses to truly transcend the moment into the dreamspace.

It wants you to know yourself, as an intimate part of the miracle of existence. It wants to invite you deeper into yourself, and into the co-creation with nature. It wants to dance you back home again, to the open arms of the divine.

But you have to be listening, feeling, and open to how it’s guiding you. You have to be patient, relaxed, without intention or deadline. Nature has eons to catch you. Eons to reel you back in. But only if you are listening and feeling.

Accessing the Dreamspace

Here are some important keys to accessing the dreamspace…

  1. Spend plenty of time each day in stillness, softening the internal contractions, the resistances to quiet emptiness.
  2. Reduce your reliance on electrical gadgetry. No one’s saying don’t use the internet (or else you wouldn’t be reading this!), just use it only when necessary.
  3. Spend as much time as possible letting go of intention-created life. At least take quality time off without a plan.
  4. Go free-wheeling often, responding only to the landing of higher knowing or a pull through the heart.
  5. Allow the guidance to carry you until you feel to stop. Soften into that place and time, breathe, observe, notice all five senses keenly, and then feel through them, so as to transcend the physical density.
  6. Feel the lightness of the moment – how it connects with life around you, especially nature.
  7. Notice how this deeper connection makes you feel. What sense does it resonate inside?
  8. Imagine the dreamspace is now speaking to you. What would it be saying? It’ll be telling you how to change your life, how to reveal more of your true self, what Right Action to take.
  9. Celebrate in the joy of synchronicity, the language welcoming you back home as a cosmic child of the universe. Congratulations, you’ve arrived!

More Real Than ‘Reality’

The dreamspace is that where the movement of divine energy is beginning to breakdown old constructs and reshape new ones for the purpose of education, exploration and further evolutionary growth. It’s searching out and manifesting the possibility of a higher harmony – one that serves ALL life in the co-creation.

That’s why the dreamspace landscape is more real than ‘reality’. Because it directs to what reality is already newly becoming.

It feels like the whole of life is celebrating with you, singing and serenading you. In a way that cherishes your very nature. Why on earth would you want to live any other way!

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Author: Openhand – Wake Up World

The Science of Miracles

The Universe is, by design, an intelligent Universe with math and physics being a key “language” to help us understand its laws and principles. The Universal Law of Attraction tells us that the Universe, being limitless, can’t differentiate the scope or magnitude of a miracle. A miracle is just as likely to be something regarded as small as it is grand by our own perceptions.

Let’s talk about how a miracle actually works, and why we should never put an expectation or limitation on the magnitude of our greatness, or what we can achieve when we “put our Hearts together”. The best way to explain how a miracle works is to use the theory of an atomic electron transition also known as a Quantum Leap.

An atomic electron transition is a change of an electron from one quantum state to another within an atom or artificial atom. It appears discontinuous in our reality as the electron “jumps” from one energy level to another in a few nanoseconds or less. It is also known as atomic transition, quantum jump, or quantum leap. These Quantum Leaps occur when energy begins to vibrate at a higher rate thus “jumping” it to another frequency, taking it closer to the Source of the frequency of its new vibration.

The same is true for us as human beings in that we are made of molecules, atoms and energy, meaning that we also have our own individual and collective energetic frequency that is emitted into the Universe. The significance here is that we are also capable, on an individual and collective level, of making a Quantum Leap according to Universal Law and Physics 101. When we emotionally connect with the idea that “God” is energy and not some bearded “man” sitting in the sky in judgment, waiting for us to “die” in order to decide if we’ll go to Heaven or “hell”, we release ourselves from any fear surrounding the Unconditional Love of “God”.

The fact is, energy never dies and cannot be destroyed – it can only change form. The energy of “God” is Love and the closer we vibrate to that Source, the more we resonate with the frequency of “God”, Source, or Love. This is why this state feels so natural and satisfying to our being. It is a state of pure Love, free from all judgment and ego. It can also be defined as benevolence, compassion, consciousness, generosity, a state of grace, or a sea of tranquility.

A Quantum Leap?

As many are seeing the shifts happening around them and hoping for a miracle, in the form of a Quantum Leap, we can all take steps toward making such an event occur as it is physically possible for it to be so. As with the atoms and molecules, it must start within for it to manifest without – into our external reality. We must learn to follow the laws of the Universe by living in Harmony with the Earth and her resources. We must live in balance with one another and (all sentient beings) in equality, free from labels and separation.

There are many people on the planet right now who are living a heart-based life of Love, forgiveness, truth and balance. And as we continue to raise our vibration, it also raises the vibration of the collective. As we collectively raise our vibration back to that of Source energy, or unconditional Love, it also grows more uncomfortable for those who continue to stay in a dense, fearful vibration. As time goes on, those who are living without, or in a state of fear (war anyone?), anger, greed, lack or judgment, or who live with a victim mentality, will find it increasingly difficult – even painful – to stay in this lower, negative vibration.

Some people describe this as karma but it is more simply described as ’cause and effect’. Any emotion or action that is not grounded in Love will begin to manifest as something “negative” in our reality, sooner or later. But this is where Miracles are born. At this time, we are becoming more compassionate toward others, and courageous enough to stand in our truth. Only by showing Love and understanding – and our truth – to those who are struggling with this shift in vibration can we ensure no-one is “left behind” – for their benefit, and our own, as a collective.

There is no right or wrong perspective, only a positive or negative way of perceiving a situation. We can perceive it from a place of being uncomfortable, angry or judgmental, or we can perceive it from a place of truth, peace, equality, and unconditional Love. It is all a state of mind that manifests into a state of being known as Heaven, Zen, Christ Consciousness, Nirvana, Svarga, and any number of lingual definitions of that which words cannot describe. It is not a “place” but a state of consciousness which begins as knowledge and manifests itself into wisdom when it is recognized as a Universal truth from within.

If we don’t see the change we wish to see in our lives it’s because we aren’t allowing ourselves to receive the gift that comes to us in the form of recurring situations whereby we can change our way of thinking, looking, and feeling about the circumstances in our lives — which are always a direct reflection of our respective thoughts and feelings. As we practice spiritual and emotional intelligence, we actually tell our DNA what to do in this “evolution” we are going through collectively! We come to understand that “God” is actually an infinite and intelligent energy Source that comprises everything, and our prayers are answered with an infinite number of positive outcomes, despite seemingly “impossible” situations.

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Author: Jennifer Deisher