7 Gut Instincts You Should Always Pay Attention To. Don’t Ever Ignore Your Gut

Do you ever just have a strong feeling about something or someone, that tells you that something is right or wrong, and you don’t know why?  This is your “GUT INSTINCT” guiding you and you need to pay attention to it.  It has nothing to do with logic…it’s just a powerful feeling that we all get that is known as our INTUITION.

Honing the intuitions we have, varies from individual to individual, and is a good predictor of how successful a person is in all aspects of their lives!  Our gut instincts are literally our “BELLY BAROMETERS”; it is more than a feeling that exists in our bodies that tells us whether to proceed or not!

Our gut instinct is like a second brain we are all born with; if we pay close attention to what it is telling us we will proceed through life armed with SUPER ABILITIES!  The VIDEO you are about to watch below is a TED TALK that discusses the importance of developing your intuitions and how they can “MAKE YOU A SUPERHERO OF YOUR GUT INSTINCTS!”

There are 7 GUT INSTINCTS we should NEVER IGNORE:

1. You are somewhere and everything looks fine but your gut is telling you that “SOMETHING FEELS OFF”, despite the fact that there is no logic to support that feeling.  Logic has nothing to do with it.  Don’t worry about other people evaluating your decision; they might think you’re “just being crazy” because they aren’t picking up what you are.

2. Something or someone just FEELS RIGHT TO YOU, even though you logically don’t know why.

3. You are in an intimate relationship with someone, and a LITTLE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD is telling you that YOU DON’T REALLY LOVE THEM.

4. You get the sense that something is “OFF WITH YOUR BODY”.  Pay attention to it whether it ends up being some illness or not, don’t ignore your gut feeling and get checked out.

5. You are in a situation and something tells you that THIS ISN’T GOING TO WORK!  Rather than discounting that inkling, know that something in your past experience is guiding you, and you might not know why in the moment.

6. You have a strong desire TO HELP SOMEONE YOU DON’T KNOW.  We are not only prewired to know that, but our unconscious observations as we go through life alert us to “just help that person”.

7. Something COMES NATURALLY TO YOU, go with the flow even though you’re not sure why. We tend to overthink things that can preclude experiencing success in our lives.

While our gut feelings about situations may not always be rational or even right, we should not categorically dismiss or ignore them.  Our intuitions are there to guide us through life.  Let us know your thoughts after watching the footage below.  Whether we tap into our unconscious observations that we make as we journey through our lives, can make a huge difference in our success or failure, in furthering our goals and aspirations in our relationships and careers.

Author: Sun Gazing – Awakening People


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How to Become a Free Thinker: A Practical Guide

We humans like to think that we are freethinkers, but how many of us truly are? How many people actually think for themselves, without falling victims to beliefs or ideologies? How many are not heavily influenced by the biased information that the media is presenting them with? How many are choosing to have certain opinions just because an authority figure told them to or because tradition holds them to be true?

The reality is that most people don’t know how to think critically, and blindly accept the beliefs that were handed to them by society. But unless one learns to think for oneself, how can one grow into a more conscious, wise person? It’s impossible.

So how can a person learn to think for himself or herself? Well, here’s a concise practical guide on how to become a freethinker that will help you to identify and break free from the prison of belief andarrive at your own conclusions in your quest for truth.

How to Become a Freethinker

Doubt your beliefs.

The first and most important step to become a freethinking individual is to doubt the beliefs that have been forced upon you by others. Whatever your beliefs are — whether religious, political, philosophical and so on — be sure to question them, scrutinize them, and discard any of them when you find no solid evidence supporting them.

Question authority. 

Most people choose to obey and follow what authority tells them is true and right. They don’t think for themselves — they let others do the thinking for them instead. A freethinker never accepts anything on authority. He/she asks questions and is open to accept any answers that point to the truth, even if they go against the opinions and beliefs of authority.

Observe your behavior. 

Although we tend to think that we have free will, most of our actions are actually carried out on an unconscious level. In a sense, we are victims to our habits. To become a freethinker, you need to become more aware of your thoughts, actions, and overall behavior. Once you do so, you’ll be able to better understand yourself and make more conscious choices in life, without behaving in certain ways just because you feel compelled to.

Stop conforming.

Another important step to become a freethinker is to detach yourself from group thinking. People choose to conform in all sorts of ways just in order to feel accepted and liked by others. To achieve that, many people unquestionably accept what others tell them out of the fear of being left out. By escaping the herd mentality you’ll be able to think more clearly, without feeling the pressure to comply with others.

Use critical thinking.

Learning how to use critical thinking is of utmost importance to freethinking. If you can’t analyze and critically assess the information that you come across, you’ll be an easy target for manipulation and thought control. Critical thinking will assist you in your search to discover the truth, by helping you to avoid being influenced by biased opinions and false information.

Voice your mind.

A freethinker is a rebel. It’s a person who is not afraid to speak his/her mind, no matter how opposing his/her ideas are to the establishment. Whatever you consider as true, right and of importance to be communicated to others, do openly talk about it, even if you are the only person who has the guts to do so.


A freethinker cares about truth like nothing else. In the journey to finding truth, there are guides that can help one approach it easier and quicker. If you’re searching for truth, it would be beneficial if you gathered knowledge from as many sources as you can, whether that is books, documentaries, podcasts, and so on. Do whatever helps to expand your consciousness.

Keep an open mind.

Last but not least, a freethinker is a person with an open mind. That means, a person who is open to learning new things and ready to change his mind when presented with evidence that contradicts his opinions and beliefs. A freethinker doesn’t accept anything blindly but at the same time doesn’t shrink from considering emerging perspectives and ideas that may challenge his/her worldview.


Author : Sofo Archon – Wake Up World


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The Power of Affirmations

Athletes who are dedicated to keeping the condition of their body at an optimum state through exercise know that in order to do so, there needs to be a specific formula. This formula usually consists of some if not all of the following things:

1.   A willingness to maintain an optimum physical state.

2.   Consistency and repetition with following through on their desired physical state.

3.  Finding the joy in keeping themselves fit, so that when the immediate passion fizzles they are still fueled into creating the palpable end-result they seek.

Just like how the body thrives on physical exercise with the implementation of the 3 steps shared in the above formula, positive affirmations with the combination of the 3 steps listed above have the power to the same for the mind. 

Affirmations have greatly helped me create more ease and fulfillment in every area of my life.

However, the kind of affirmations I work with are not so focused on the specifics of a desired outcome, they are more focused more on the qualities that are at the root of the specific desired outcome.

For example: One could say “I want to manifest myself winning a 10 million dollar lottery.” So although this method of being super specific may work for some people, it’s usually a very limited amount of people that see a lasting result. ​

So what I usually do is asking myself a question like “What qualities will winning 10 million dollars enhance and bring into my life.” I usually receive an answer like it provides me with a sense of freedom, flow, ease, peace, trust, faith, grace, and so on… ​

So when I refine my affirmation to something like “I choose to create greater freedom and flow in my life, especially with my finances,” I actually open myself up to experiences and opportunities that I may not have been even available to before had I remained fixed on just winning that 10 million dollar lottery ticket. I also save myself from a great deal of disappointed when I expand out of specifics and into more of the qualities I’m seeking to experience more of in my life.

To take it a step further with my affirmations, I do daily check-ins with myself to see where I am already seeing some of the qualities in my life that I am intending to expand on. The Universe knows no ‘size.’ So what may seem small to one person, may be huge for someone else. So when I started to pay attention to where I already have some of the desired qualities I’d like to experience more of in my life, I actually start to notice that I was no longer attached to how things showed up, and was more into the quality of life I was leading. 

It’s kind of like a miracle to the rational mind when we are able to let go of the attachments we create around manifesting certain desired outcomes, and living in the flow of life. In fact, living in the flow is where we are at our most open and available to create some of the greatest blessings in our lives. 

The final thing I’d like to share is that I always open up every affirmation from a space of knowing that what I am desiring is already done. So rather than using phrases like “I want” or “I hope” which are not really coming from a powerful knowing that it’s already done…I use phrases like “I now choose…,” “I  am creating…,” or “I now step into…” 

With just these few little refinements, I have witnessed extraordinary results in my life and in my client’s lives when it comes to using affirmations. I am knowing that if implemented, they will also support you too. 



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Author: Emmanuel Dagher – Awakening People